
Image Taxon Collector Location Type status DB_ID
Viola altaica Ker Gawl. J. Kirschner
Kazakhstan. Middle Asia. The Zailiyskiy Alatau Range (Khrebet Ileyskiy Alatau), Almaty: valley of Malaya Almatinka (Kishi Almaty), Chimbulak (Shymbulak), vicinity of Talgar Saddle (3154 m) . Altitude: 3100-3180 m. PRA-21832
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Leprocaulon inexpectatum Gheza, Malíček, Vančurová & H. Mayrhofer G. Gheza
s. n.
Italy. Southeastern Europe. Lombardy. Province of Milano, municipality of Magenta, hamlet Pontevecchio: Boschi della Fagiana. Bark of Quercus robur at the edge of an open broadleaved woodland. Altitude: 110 m. PRA-21833
See detail
Leprocaulon inexpectatum Gheza, Malíček, Vančurová & H. Mayrhofer G. Gheza
s. n.
Italy. Southeastern Europe. Lombardy. Province of Milano, municipality of Magenta, hamlet Pontevecchio: Boschi della Fagiana. Bark of Quercus robur at the edge of an open broadleaved woodland. Altitude: 110 m. PRA-21834
See detail
Leprocaulon inexpectatum Gheza, Malíček, Vančurová & H. Mayrhofer G. Gheza
s. n.
Italy. Southeastern Europe. Lombardy. Province of Milano, municipality of Magenta, hamlet Pontevecchio: Boschi della Fagiana. Bark of Quercus robur in an open broadleaved woodland. Altitude: 110 m. PRA-21835
See detail
Leprocaulon inexpectatum Gheza, Malíček, Vančurová & H. Mayrhofer G. Gheza
s. n.
Italy. Southeastern Europe. Lombardy. Province of Milano, municipality of Magenta, hamlet Pontevecchio: Boschi della Fagiana. Bark of Quercus cerris in an open broadleaved woodland. Altitude: 110 m. PRA-21836
See detail
Leprocaulon inexpectatum Gheza, Malíček, Vančurová & H. Mayrhofer G. Gheza
s. n.
Italy. Southeastern Europe. Lombardy. Province of Milano, municipality of Magenta, hamlet Pontevecchio: Boschi della Fagiana. Bark of Quercus sp. in an open broadleaved woodland. Altitude: 110 m. PRA-21837
See detail
Leprocaulon inexpectatum Gheza, Malíček, Vančurová & H. Mayrhofer G. Gheza
s. n.
Italy. Southeastern Europe. Lombardy. Province of Milano, municipality of Magenta, hamlet Pontevecchio: Boschi della Fagiana. Bark of Robinia pseudoacacia in a black locust grove. Altitude: 110 m. PRA-21838
See detail
Leprocaulon inexpectatum Gheza, Malíček, Vančurová & H. Mayrhofer G. Gheza
s. n.
Italy. Southeastern Europe. Lombardy. Province of Milano, municipality of Magenta, hamlet Pontevecchio: Boschi della Fagiana. Bark of Robinia pseudoacacia in a black locust grove. Altitude: 110 m. PRA-21839
See detail
Leprocaulon inexpectatum Gheza, Malíček, Vančurová & H. Mayrhofer G. Gheza
s. n.
Italy. Southeastern Europe. Lombardy. Province of Milano, municipality of Magenta, hamlet Pontevecchio: Boschi della Fagiana. Bark of Robinia pseudoacacia in a black locust grove. Altitude: 110 m. PRA-21840
See detail
Leprocaulon inexpectatum Gheza, Malíček, Vančurová & H. Mayrhofer G. Gheza
s. n.
Italy. Southeastern Europe. Lombardy. Province of Pavia, municipality of Gropello Cairoli: Bosco di San Massimo near Cascina San Massimo di Sopra. Trunk of Quercus robur in an oak row near the edge of a broadleaved woodland. Altitude: 70 m. PRA-21841
See detail
( Items: 57521 - 57530 from 58130 )