
Image Taxon Collector Location Type status DB_ID
Moehringia bavarica (L.) Gren. G. Kolomiiets
s. n.
Bosnia-Herzegovina. Southeastern Europe. (WGS-84). On the cliffs, along the regional road, Southern-facing macro-slope exposure. Population size: 100-150 generative individuals.. Altitude: 224 m. PRA-22457
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Moehringia pendula (Waldst. & Kit.) Fenzl G. Kolomiiets
s. n.
Bulgaria. Southeastern Europe. Panagiurishche, (WGS-84). on the ground in the forest: oak and pine trees, with abundant needle and leaf litter. In the herbaceous layer: Galium sp., Hieracium sp., Genista sp. Population size: several thousand individuals.. Altitude: 823 m. PRA-22458
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Moehringia pendula (Waldst. & Kit.) Fenzl G. Kolomiiets
s. n.
Bulgaria. Southeastern Europe. Panagiurishche, (WGS-84). on the ground in the forest: oak and pine trees, with abundant needle and leaf litter. In the herbaceous layer: Galium sp., Hieracium sp., Genista sp. Population size: several thousand individuals.. Altitude: 823 m. PRA-22459
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Moehringia pendula (Waldst. & Kit.) Fenzl G. Kolomiiets
s. n.
Bulgaria. Southeastern Europe. Dospat, (WGS-84). On the rock and near the rock on the ground, in the shade of spruces, to the right of the road to the dam.. Altitude: 1220 m. PRA-22460
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Moehringia pendula (Waldst. & Kit.) Fenzl G. Kolomiiets
s. n.
Bulgaria. Southeastern Europe. Smolyan, the trail uphill from the parking of 'Monastery of Saint Panteleimon', (WGS-84). Spruce-pine forest, on the ground near a fallen tree, the soil is loosened.. Altitude: 1495 m. PRA-22461
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Moehringia trinervia (L.) Clairv. G. Kolomiiets
s. n.
Greece. Southeastern Europe. Neo Petritiol, (WGS-84). Left riverbank, in a dried-up river branch.. Altitude: 254 m. PRA-22462
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Moehringia trinervia (L.) Clairv. G. Kolomiiets
s. n.
Slovenia. Southeastern Europe. Plese, (WGS-84). Beech-spruce forest, roadside of a dirt road.. Altitude: 445 m. PRA-22463
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Moehringia trinervia (L.) Clairv. G. Kolomiiets
s. n.
Bulgaria. Southeastern Europe. Parvenets, (WGS-84). A dried-up streambed, a shady canyon.. Altitude: 388 m. PRA-22464
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Moehringia trinervia (L.) Clairv. G. Kolomiiets
s. n.
Slovenia. Southeastern Europe. Plese, (WGS-84). Beech-spruce forest, roadside of a dirt road.. Altitude: 445 m. PRA-22465
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Moehringia trinervia (L.) Clairv. G. Kolomiiets
s. n.
Bulgaria. Southeastern Europe. Sliven, (WGS-84). Fagus forest.. Altitude: 1098 m. PRA-22466
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( Items: 58091 - 58100 from 58130 )